Corona rapid test - Antigen test
With the Corona rapid test, also called the antigen test, you know within 15 minutes whether there are antigens from the COVID-19 in your nasal mucus.
We offer the COVID-19 antigen (rapid) tests for private individuals, companies and schools where a result is possible within 15 minutes (with travel certificate possible).
- Results within 15 minutes
- Corona rapid test can also be booked with a travel certificate
- RIVM validated tests and own doctor
- Testing at our location or at your home
- Business COVID-19 quick tests
- Free parking and public transport 20 meters away
Corona rapid test with travel certificate
Book the Corona rapid test with travel certificate and receive the result simply by e-mail within 15 minutes. We can also print the certificate.
General questions about the COVID antigen rapid test
The COVID-19 rapid test is an antigen test. The result of this test is fast and within 15 minutes.
Some countries accept the antigen test (with certificate). However, you must inform yourself at the country of arrival and / or travel organization whether they accept this. The PCR test with certificate is accepted internationally because of its better reliability.
A rapid test is the fastest way to know if you are infected with COVID-19. The rapid test is almost not accepted if you want to travel internationally.
Yes, we can take the antigen test at your work or school and offer the result almost immediately. We can also train personnel and offer the tests separately, so that a rapid test street within a company or school is well equipped for qualitative test administration. We can provide more information by emailing or calling 020-8950315.